For this project, I investigated how design can assist with sustainable yards and reduce the amount of yard maintenance to begin with. This project impacts property owners that are looking to have a sustainable yard and other benefits that come with it. This project is important because yard maintenance often destroys plants for pollinators, consists of harsh chemicals that are harmful for the environment and reduces biodiversity. Since most cities fine property owners for lack of yard maintenance, it is key to approach the problem that is stopping people from rewilding their yards.
The designs for this project are versatile to reach as many people as possible. They can be used for print,
merchandise and digital advertisements. 
 Tired of mowing? So is your yard. design was created to reach out to people that are most likely not interested in sustainability yet but might not like the chore of lawn maintenance every weekend. One aspect of the No-Mow Movement is to mow lawns less, or not at all if possible. If more people that are tired of mowing their lawn knew about the No-Mow Movement then there would be a greater impact of sustainability regarding lawn maintenance. Let’s be realistic, not everyone has the time, money or energy for lawn maintenance, so less mowing would benefit people and the planet. 
The Pollinators Not Pesticides advertisement was designed to depict the part of the No-Mow movement about using less chemicals for yard maintenance. Pesticides are not only harsh chemicals that bleed into our planet but they are also destructive to pollinators, especially bees. This design displays the beauty of pollinators and how they provide us with flowers. In the corner of the design it is discolored, appearing as a chemical spill, near the word pesticides to show how awful pesticides are and how they are damaging to natural beauty.
Monoculture vs Polyculture is a design I created to convey the idea of how monoculture, growing one crop/plant in an area, is not only harmful to the environment but it is also not as beautiful or interesting as biodiversity. Grass is grown in a monoculture which ruins habitats for animals and insects. The design depicts monoculture being a boring and dull environment with less life, while polyculture/ biodiversity is 
full of life, colors and vibrancy.

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